Mother's Tantu Bookshelf
Many of the following books, and others, are available by mail order from the Vedanta Press Catalog.
Books About Vedanta
- Vedanta: A Simple Introduction, by Pravrajika Vrajaprana, Vedanta Press: Hollywood, 1999.
- A lively, clearly written "small" volume discussing the essential concepts of Vedanta.
- Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West, collected articles edited by Pravrajika Vrajaprana, Vedanta Press: Hollywood,1994.
- An updated, multi-faceted approach which includes original articles by contemporary Western followers of Vedanta.
- Seeing God Everywhere: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Living, by Swami Shraddhananda, Vedanta Press: Hollywood, 1996.
- An inspiring guide to spiritual practice.
- Living at the Source: Yoga Teachings of Vivekananda, edited by Ann Myren & Dorothy Madison, Shambhala: Boston and London, 1993.
- Selected quotations from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. This volume is available free of charge to libraries from the Vivekananda Founndation.
Books About Sri Sarada Devi
- The Compassionate Mother, Sri Sri Sarada Devi, by Swami Tanmayananda, Sri Rammakrishna Sarada Sangha Malasia, 2002. New
- Newly translated reminiscences of Holy Mother based upon the Bengali writings of Brahmacharyi Akshaya Chitany.
initializedSri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission of India
The Gospel of The Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi, recorded by Her Devotee-Children, Sri Ramakrishna Math: Madras, 1984
Reminiscences and recorded material from diaries and other sources.
- Holy Mother, by, Swami Nikhilananda, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center: New York, 1982
- A biography of Holy Mother.
- The Mother As I Saw Her, by Swami Saradeshananda, Sri Ramakrishna Math: Madras, 1982
- Reminiscences of Gopesh Maharaj (Swami Saradeshananda), a swami who attended Mother.
- Sri Sarada Devi, A Biography In Pictures, Advaita Ashrama: Calcutta, 1988
- A life of Mother told through pictures and short written sketches.
- Sri Sarada Devi, The Great Wonder, by Apostles, Monks, Savants, Scholars, and Devotees, Ramakrishna Mission, 1984
- A symposium report on the significance of Holy Mother, includes biography and reminiscences.
- Sri Sarada Devi: The Holy Mother, by Swami Tapasyananda. Sri Ramakrishna Math: Madras, 1977
- Two part presentation of Holy Mother's life and teachings.
- Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi, The Holy Mother, Sri Ramakrishna Math: Madras, 1983
- Quotations of Holy Mother gleaned from various sources and arranged according to topic.
Women's Spirituality
- Enduring Grace: Living Portraits of Seven Women Mystics, by Carol Lee Flinders, Harper:San Francisco, 1993.
- This engaging study of seven Christian mystics explores the social context in which they lived and their significance as present day role models.
This page was updated February 9, 2000.
Copyright © 1996-2000, by Sri Sarada Society